Hi, my name is George Budau.

I am a software developer

Currently studying Computer Software Engineering at 42 Madrid school.

Projects I'm proud of

Full-stack web application

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A full-stack web application where users can play multiplayer online pong, chat, add friends, and more. The backend was developed with the NestJS framework, which provides a scalable and modular architecture for building server-side applications. The API is responsible for managing game state, player interactions, and authentication, and it uses PostgreSQL for database management. Frontend client developed with React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React provides a declarative and component-based approach to building UIs, making it easier to manage complex user interfaces. The chat and online games are implemented using Socket.IO for Real-time communication between the server and client applications.

Technologies used include:

  • NestJS
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker
  • Socket.IO
Single page application

HTTP Web Server

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An HTTP server in C++. Adheres to the HTTP 1.1 RFC and supports serving static web pages efficiently and securely. It also supports the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) standard, allowing for the dynamic generation of web content.

Technologies used include:

  • C++
An HTTP client sends a request message to an HTTP server.  The server, in turn, returns a response message.

Command-line shell

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A shell program in C. Provides users with a familiar command-line interface to interact with the operating system. It supports command execution, file redirection, pipelines, environment variable expansion, and signal handling, which allows users to run and manipulate programs and files from the command line.

Technologies used include:

  • C
Terminal showing multiple shell commands

Multi-services on a kubernetes cluster

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A multi-service platform consisting of several services, including Nginx, WordPress, phpMyAdmin, Grafana, MySQL, FTPS, and InfluxDB. Each service is deployed in its container, and Kubernetes manages the orchestration and scaling of the containers.

Technologies used include:

  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Metallb
  • Nginx
  • MariaDB
  • Wordpress
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Grafana
  • InfluxDB
  • Telegraf
  • Vsftpd
Kubernetes dashboard

Contact me

I'm always interested in hearing about new opportunities.

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